And a few more of Bailey...
doing the splits

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It snowed for the first time about a week ago. When I woke Bailey up I told her to go look outside to see what was on the ground. When she saw the snow she was ecstatic and said, "Mom, now we get to go skiing." (We've been talking about going skiing for quite a while.) The snow melted before we went to play in it so the next time it snowed we took Bailey out to play and she LOVED it! She was throwing snow on herself and rolling around in it. It was fun to watch. Then Omai wanted to join in the fun and thought it would be cool if we buried him in the snow. I reminded him that it wasn't sand, but that didn't deter him. So Bailey and I commenced burying him with snow. When I went back inside to grab my camera he was telling me to hurry because Bailey got a little excited and started to throw snow on his face. Well, he wasn't loving that--we hurried to get his picture and he scrambled out of the snow to try and warm up. The snow fight continued more by Bailey than us, but Omai was a good sport to get snow thrown at him.
Posted by Unknown at 10:36 PM 3 comments
I was looking through some old pictures and found some videos of Bailey gettin' her groove on. Oh--she's so cute!
Posted by Unknown at 4:02 PM 2 comments
When we got home she was put in time out, didn't stay, and my moment to relax was completely thwarted. I fed her lunch, which helped the whining subside for a while and then it was off to the next playdate. When I picked her up again, she did the limp fish thing again, but fortunately this time, no punching.
I decided to wash my car with some inspiration from the neighbors and Bailey proceeded to drench herself in cold, soapy water. For the most part she was happy until the chill set in. Once I got her all clean and warm I remembered my plan to put her to bed early. I got her all ready for bed and read stories, but as soon as I left her room she started crying (this has become a nightly ritual). I was so done with her that I closed her door and locked myself in my room--yes, I had to lock the door. She sat outside my door for about a half hour crying then finally, quiet. I thought she had probably wandered back to her room to go to sleep, but when I opened the door, there she was--curled up in a little ball asleep on the floor. I'm so mean! I carried her to bed and within 5 minutes she was up and crying again, which has been the soundtrack to this blog entry. Oh, the joy of parenting.
Posted by Unknown at 9:32 PM 3 comments
I'm going out of town this weekend with my family and Bailey is staying home with her daddy. I told her that I would be gone for a few days and asked if she would be okay. She said she would (phew). She doesn't quite understand what I've been saying though because she keeps saying things like "I wanna go ta town". Her latest was, "I wanna go out of town." I asked her where she wanted to go and she said, "To see Santa Claus." hehe
Posted by Unknown at 2:49 PM 0 comments