#navbar-iframe { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none;} THE GRAYBILLS: exciting news

exciting news

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Omai and I have some exciting news to share... I'm pregnant!! The due date is April 4th and now that I'm passed the first trimester, life is good again. My clothes already don't fit, but who needs to wear their skinny jeans to feel on top of the world right?


Anonymous said...

Grattis as we say over here in Sweden.

Stephanie said...

oh my goodness oh my goodness!!!! I'm so excited for you! Congrats!!!

Becca said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!!!

Kim said...

Oooh! That's so exciting! Congrats!

Lesa said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats! You guys are going to have the cutest baby ever!

Tiffany said...

I am so happy for you! It is the best ever. You will have to keep us updaated on your post that is so exciting. I still haven't seen the Rexburg temple I went to school there so have wanted to go see it. It is beautiful!

Miller Family said...

you fat monkey...why didn't you tell me?!! if i wasn't so happy for you (and you being pregnant) i'd hit you. congratulations!!!!

Ilia True said...

HI NICKI!!!!! I have missed you so much. I am so happy for you. Kids are the most wonderful thing ever. I saw you messaged me on facebook!!! I just checkd it today. EMAIL ME truelson@cox.net!!!!!

Andrea (peshlakai) truelson

sherryandbryon said...

What?! You're pregnant and you're already finished with your first trimester and I didn't even know!? I guess I need to check your blog more often! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. Let's get together sometime soon. Do you want to go to a Jazz game??? Let me know.

Lizzy said...

Congrats my friends! You will have such cute kids!! I'm so happy for you!! Love ya both!

Louise said...

Fabulous! Congrats, friend(s)! (Omai, we've never met, but I feel in my heart like we're friends.)