#navbar-iframe { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none;} THE GRAYBILLS: Angel George

Angel George

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Whenever we drive home along 12600 South and are close to being able to see the temple, I always tell Bailey to look for the temple and tell me when she sees it. When we were headed home tonight I told her to look for the temple and when she saw it she yelled "temple!" like she normally does. Then she said "Angel George is on top of the temple." I laughed and was awed at the things she comes up with. I corrected her and told her it was Angel Moroni on top of the temple and not George. Then she said "Heavenly Father loves you." I replied, "Yes, Heavenly Father loves us." Then she asked, "Are there toys in the temple?" I laughed again and had to unfortunately tell her no, there aren't toys in the temple.


Team Beardshall said...

ha ha, that one made me laugh!

Randi said...


Heather said...

but there really are toys, in the waiting room when children wait to be sealed to thier parents...just not everyone gets to play with them. :) Your daughter is too cute and funny!