#navbar-iframe { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none;} THE GRAYBILLS: it's a...

it's a...

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ilia True said...

OOOH, I am so excited for you!!!!!!! And to see you on video just as I remember you!!!! I miss you so much! Seeing you prego with a little girl is the strangest thing!!! Yeay yeay yeay!

LOVE, ANdrea

tiare said...

congrats!!!!!!! that is so exciting!
...and that cake looks delicious!

Louise said...

This is what I get when I click on the video: "This video is currently not available. Please try again later." What are they trying to do to me?! It is imperative that I see this video.

Unknown said...

For those who can't see the video (I don't know what the heck is wrong) we are having a GIRL!! Bailey is her name and being extremely active is her game. (She's already trying to poke through my tummy).

Lesa said...

I am so excited and happy for you guys! You are going to be the greatest parents ever and little Bailey is coming into the world with fabulous parents!

Stephanie said...

okay....FINALLY the video works when I tried to watch it for the MILLIONTH time. Oh...but I just saw your comment...but yay i got to see the video. Congrats...:)

Lizzy said...

you are toooooo cute! I love the video update! and it was so good to see you at the shower. :)