#navbar-iframe { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none;} THE GRAYBILLS: Bailey's First Birthday Cake

Bailey's First Birthday Cake

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I found a giant cupcake mold at Walmart and was really excited to try it out for Bailey's first birthday cake. I had made one for Bailey's family birthday party a few days before this cake eating to give her a little practice, but she wasn't too thrilled with the idea of smashing cake all over herself. She was more scared than anything. This go around was a little better and I think she actually had some fun. She was so cute and we had a great and messy time.


Team Beardshall said...

ha ha, finally good to see these pictures!!!! That was fun watching her do that! Looks like you got some good ones!

Tiffany said...

So cute! I just started using the flip diapers on my little guy I love them!